Release Notes - A4500 - VA5 Pro

Version 2.83

July 23, 2024

  • Linear speed (see manual Route / Linear speed)
  • QR code for machine detection in route (see manual Route / QR)
  • ACMT g-demod time (see manual Analyzer / ACMT g-demod time)
  • ACMT g-demod spectrum (see manual Analyzer / ACMT g-demod spectrum)
  • Fast sampling in amp + phase and phase shift (see manual Analyzer / Edit Measurement / Sampling)
  • Balancing report in simple csv format (see manual Balancer / Balancer Menu / Balancing Report (csv))
  • Editable number of harmonic, sideband and periodic cursor lines (see manual MENU / SETTINGS / Graph Properties / Harmonic Lines)
  • Automatic display turn off (see manual MENU / SETTINGS / Display / Display Turn Off)

Version 2.82

May 3, 2023

  • Preview of values in a route tree (see manual Route / Route Tree)
  • Difference form last and reference values in route (see manual Route / Last and reference values)
  • Angles Counting marks (with or against rotation) (see manual MENU / SETTINGS / Global Settings / Angles Counting)
  • Oversampling (higher sampling frequency defined by user) (see manual Analyzer / Edit Measurement / Sampling Freq)
  • New frequency ranges in octave spectrum (see manual Octave Analysis / Measurement Settings / Frequency Range
  • Finishing Averaging (see manual Analyzer / Edit Measurement / Avg)
  • Time axe unit in degrees (see manual Analyzer / Graph Properties / Time Axe Unit)
  • External trigger edge and level removed from trigger menu and united with tacho sensor (see manual MENU / SETTINGS / Tacho / External)
  • Sensors list import (see manual MENU / SETTINGS / AC Sensors / Sensors list import)
  • Delta cursor value initialized according to the speed (see manual Analyzer / Graph Properties / Cursor)
  • Retrig in route (see manual Route / Route Meas Mode)
  • Export a record to csv (see manual Recorder / Project Menu / Export to csv)
  • Report for advanced balancer (see manual Advanced Balancer / Balancer Menu / Balancing Report)

Version 2.81

December 22, 2022

  • Angles (phases) with or against rotation (see manual MENU / SETTINGS / Global Settings / Angles Counting)
  • Balancing: new design and terminology (see manual Balancer)
  • Balancing: operating speed parameter (see manual Balancer / Rotor Settings / Operating Speed)
  • Balancing: trial weight position (see manual Balancer / Single Plane Balancing / Trial Run)
  • Balancing: more than 255 values in averaging available
  • Advanced Balancing: trial weight position (see manual Advanced Balancer / Balancing Procedure / Trial Runs)
  • Sensor's name added to csv export (see manual Analyzer / Meas Menu / Export to csv)
  • Canceled restrictions of highest sampling frequency (see manual Analyzer / Edit Measurement / Band fmax)

Version 2.80

June 9, 2022

  • Frf format (see manual Analyzer / Graph Properties / Frf Format)
  • Flat top window (see manual Analyzer / Edit Measurement / Window)
  • The lin / log / dB choice for overall value (see manual Analyzer / Graph Properties / Axe y)
  • MCSA: thd shown in table (see manual MCSA / MCSA Screen / Frequency table and thd)
  • Continual saving in Route (see DDS manual)

Version 2.79

February 16, 2022

  • New runup trigger mode - asap all (see manual MENU SETTINGS / Trigger Settings / Runup Trigger Mode)
  • The user entered frequency in amp+phase measurement (see manual Analyzer / amp+phase)
  • Editable basic meas list (see manual Analyzer / Meas Menu / New Basic)
  • Notes in csv header (see manual Analyzer / Meas Menu / Export to csv)
  • Polar graph in balancer (see manual Balancer / Single Plane Balancing / Run 1)

Version 2.78

July 26, 2021

  • 16 bit wav encoding (see manual MENU / SETTINGS / Global Settings / Wav Encoding)
  • Limits multipliers (enables to increase or decrease limits) and Acc fmin in FASIT (see manual FASIT / FASIT Settings)
  • Adash limits enabled for velocity measurement with fmin lower than 10 Hz (see manual Analyzer / Meas Menu / Limits / Adash Limits)
  • Adash limits enabled for acceleration measurement with fmin higher than 500 Hz (see manual Analyzer / Meas Menu / Limits / Adash Limits)
  • IR Camera warming up (see manual IR Camera / Warming Up)

Version 2.77

July 1, 2021

  • IR Image Correction (see manual IR Camera / IR Image Correction)

Version 2.76

May 19, 2021

  • Limit values for static measurements (see manual Analyzer / Meas Menu / Limits)
  • New measurement type - complex Smax (see manual Analyzer / Complex Smax)
  • Minimum and Maximum values during averaging (see manual Analyzer / Edit Measurement / Avg)
  • ADS: changing channel without losing readings (see manual ADS / ADS Settings / Measurement Definition)
  • New feature - Stethoscope easily accessible from Menu / Stethoscope

Version 2.75

February 2, 2021

  • Runup minimum and maximum speed (see manual Global properties / Trigger Settings)
  • Negative Averaging (see manual Global properties / Trigger Settings / Negative Averaging)
  • Negative Averaging in Bump Test (see manual Bump Test / Settings / Negative Averaging)
  • Balancer: circumferential distance of balancing mass (see manual Balancer / Single plane balancing / RUN2 - the RESULT Screen)
  • Route status symbols like VA3 (✓, !, .) (see manual Route / Route Status)
  • Marking of non-exported routes (see manual The Route / Route measurement)
  • Battery percent in About dialog (see manual Global properties / The About...)
  • Export bump test to analyzer (see manual Bump Test / Analyse)

Version 2.74

November 23, 2020

  • New "Advanced Balancer" module (see manual Advanced Balancer)

Version 2.73

July 15, 2020

  • Adjustable Limits in the route (see manual Route / Limits)
  • IR Camera: Calibration (see manual IR Camera / Buttons / Calibration)
  • Balancer: Unbalance value displayed (see manual Balancer / Single Plane Balancing)
  • Balancer: The "Remove trial" item in basic settings menu (see manual Balancer / Basic Settings)
  • ADS: Vibration scale in animation (see manual ADS / ADS Settings / Vibration Scale)
  • ADS: Zoom and move using touch screen (see manual ADS / Buttons for Machine View / Zoom)

Version 2.72

May 25, 2020

  • Adjustable order in amp+phase measurement (see manual The Analyzer mode / amp+phase measurement)
  • Adjustable order in phase shift measurement (see manual The Analyzer mode / Phase shift measurement)
  • Adjustable resolution in orders measurement (see manual The Analyzer mode / orders measurement)

Version 2.71

April 28, 2020

  • Calculator (see manual MENU / Run / Calculator)
  • Physical unit and frequency range in bump test (see manual Bump Test / Settings)
  • Graph unit for spectra (see manual Analyzer / Graph Properties / Graph Unit)
  • Screenshots in lossless png format instead of jpg (see manual MENU / RUN / Screenshot
  • Bearing fault frequencies: BSF2 instead of BSF (see manual Analyzer / Graph Properties / Bearing Faults)
  • Back and Forward buttons in Help window (see manual MENU / RUN / Help)

Version 2.70

December 13, 2019

  • MCSA module (see manual MCSA)
  • Adjustable FASIT limits (see manual FASIT / Setup)
  • Sensor's name (see manual MENU / Settings / AC sensors / Name)
  • Value type (RMS, 0-P, P-P) defined globally (see manual MENU / SETTINGS / Spectrum Settings / Detect Type)