Release Notes - A4400 VA4 Pro (II) / Virtual Unit

Version 2.83

May 3, 2023

  • Preview of values in a route tree (see manual Route / Route Tree)
  • Difference form last and reference values in route (see manual Route / Last and reference values)
  • Angles Counting marks (with or against rotation) (see manual MENU / SETTINGS / Global Settings / Angles Counting)
  • Oversampling (higher sampling frequency defined by user) (see manual Analyzer / Edit Measurement / Sampling Freq)
  • New frequency ranges in octave spectrum (see manual Octave Analysis / Measurement Settings / Frequency Range
  • Finishing Averaging (see manual Analyzer / Edit Measurement / Avg)
  • Time axe unit in degrees (see manual Analyzer / Graph Properties / Time Axe Unit)
  • External trigger edge and level removed from trigger menu and united with tacho sensor (see manual MENU / SETTINGS / Tacho / External)
  • Sensors list import (see manual MENU / SETTINGS / AC Sensors / Sensors list import)
  • Delta cursor value initialized according to the speed (see manual Analyzer / Graph Properties / Cursor)
  • Retrig in route (see manual Route / Route Meas Mode)
  • Export a record to csv (see manual Recorder / Project Menu / Export to csv)
  • Report for advanced balancer (see manual Advanced Balancer / Balancer Menu / Balancing Report)

Version 2.81

March 3, 2023


  • Angles (phases) with or against rotation (see VA5Pro manual MENU / SETTINGS / Global Settings / Angles Counting)
  • Balancing: new design and terminology (see VA5Pro manual Balancer)
  • Balancing: operating speed parameter (see VA5Pro manual Balancer / Rotor Settings / Operating Speed)
  • Balancing: trial weight position (see VA5Pro manual Balancer / Single Plane Balancing / Trial Run)
  • Balancing: more than 255 values in averaging available
  • Advanced Balancing: trial weight position (see VA5Pro manual Advanced Balancer / Balancing Procedure / Trial Runs)
  • Sensor's name added to csv export (see VA5Pro manual Analyzer / Meas Menu / Export to csv)
  • Canceled restrictions of highest sampling frequency (see VA5Pro  manual Analyzer / Edit Measurement / Band fmax)

Version 2.80

June 9, 2022

  • Frf format (see manual Analyzer / Graph Properties / Frf Format)
  • Flat top window (see manual Analyzer / Edit Measurement / Window)
  • The lin / log / dB choice for overall value (see manual Analyzer / Graph Properties / Axe y)
  • MCSA: thd shown in table (see manual MCSA / MCSA Screen / Frequency table and thd)
  • Continual saving in Route (see DDS manual)

Version 2.79

February 16, 2022

  • New runup trigger mode - asap all (see manual Global properties / Trigger Settings)
  • The user entered frequency in amp+phase measurement (see manual The Analyzer mode / amp+phase measurement)
  • Editable basic meas list (see manual The Analyzer mode / New Meas Creation / New Basic)
  • Notes in csv header (see manual The Analyzer mode / CSV file description)
  • Polar graph in balancer (see manual The Balancer / Single Plane Balancing / Run 1)</li>

Version 2.78

July 26, 2021

  • 16 bit wav encoding (see manual Global Properties / Global Settings / Wav Encoding)
  • Limits multipliers (enables to increase or decrease limits) and Acc fmin in FASIT (see manual The FASIT / Setup)
  • Adash limits enabled for velocity measurement with fmin lower than 10 Hz (see manual The Analyzer mode / Next meas functions / Limits / Adash Limits)
  • Adash limits enabled for acceleration measurement with fmin higher than 500 Hz (see manual The Analyzer mode / Next meas functions / Limits / Adash Limits)

Version 2.76

May 19, 2021

  • Limit values for static measurements (see manual Analyzer / Meas Menu / Limits)
  • New measurement type - complex Smax (see manual Analyzer / Complex Smax)
  • Minimum and Maximum values during averaging (see manual Analyzer / Edit Measurement / Avg)
  • ADS: changing channel without losing readings (see manual ADS / ADS Settings / Measurement Definition)

Version 2.75

February 2, 2021

  • Runup minimum and maximum speed (see manual Global properties / Trigger Settings)
  • Negative Averaging (see manual Global properties / Trigger Settings / Negative Averaging)
  • Negative Averaging in Bump Test (see manual Bump Test / Settings / Negative Averaging)
  • Balancer: circumferential distance of balancing mass (see manual Balancer / Single plane balancing / RUN2 - the RESULT Screen)
  • Route status symbols like VA3 (✓, !, .) (see manual Route / Route Status)
  • Marking of non-exported routes (see manual The Route / Route measurement)
  • Battery percent in About dialog (see manual Global properties / The About...)
  • Export bump test to analyzer (see manual Bump Test / Analyse)

Version 2.74

November 23, 2020

  • Limits in the route (see manual The Route / Limits)
  • Balancer: Unbalance value displayed (see manual The Balancer / Single Plane Balancing
  • Balancer: The "Remove trial" item in basic settings menu (see manual The Balancer / Basic Settings)
  • ADS: Vibration scale in animation (see manual ADS / ADS Settings / Vibration Scale)
  • ADS: Zoom and move using touch screen (see manual ADS / Buttons for Machine View / Zoom/Move/Rotation

Version 2.72

May 25, 2020

  • Adjustable order in amp+phase measurement (see manual The Analyzer mode / amp+phase measurement)
  • Adjustable order in phase shift measurement (see manual The Analyzer mode / Phase shift measurement)
  • Adjustable resolution in orders measurement (see manual The Analyzer mode / orders measurement)

Version 2.71

April 28, 2020

  • Physical unit and frequency range in bump test (see manual Bump Test / Settings)
  • Graph unit for spectra (see manual The Analyzer Mode / The Analyzer buffons description / Graph Properties / Graph Unit)
  • Screenshots in lossless png format instead of jpg (see manual Global Properties / Screenshot)
  • Bearing fault frequencies: BSF2 instead of BSF (see manual The Analyzer Mode / The Analyzer buttons description / Graph Properties / Bearing Faults)

Version 2.70

December 16, 2019

  • Adjustable FASIT limits (see manual FASIT / Setup)
  • Sensor's name (see manual Sensors Properties / AC Sensors)
  • Spectrum value type (RMS, 0-P, P-P) defined globally (see manual Global Properties / Spectrum Settings)

Version 2.69

June 3, 2019

  • Export of all unexported projects at once (see manual Global Properties / Export All)
  • Time signal with DC offset (gap) (see manual The Analyzer mode/Time signal measurement/Time signal with DC offset (gap)
  • Using external USB drive for exports (see manual General information/Connection to the computer/VAx_DISC)

Version 2.67

August 7, 2018

  • New highest resolution (speed / 1024) is available for balancing and 1x ampl + phase measurement (see manual The Analyzer mode/New Meas creation/New Advanced/Resolution for details)
  • New function "Auto-forward" jump to next point in route (instead of "start next" function), (see manual Global properties/Global Settings/Route Auto Forward for details)
  • New "Waiting for retrig" window with more user information (see manual Global properties/Trigger Settings/RunUp Mode)
  • New "Waiting for trigger" window with more user information (see manual Global properties/Trigger Settings/Trigger Source)
  • Lower "Band fmin" than 10Hz is available for FASIT (see manual The FASIT/Set-up/Band fmin)
  • New Zoom and Cursor controll by mouse in A4410 Virtual Unit (see manual A4400 VA4 Pro vs. A4404 SAB/A4404 SAB/Graph control by mouse)

Version 2.66

March 27, 2018

  • More than 255 averages enabled
  • ACMT detect type RMS or PEAK (see manual The Analyzer mode/ACMT measurement)

Version 2.64

January 24, 2018

  • Possibility to play different channels in left and right headphone (see manual The Stethoscope / Playback Settings)
  • Full spectrum (see manual The Analyzer mode / Full spectrum)
  • Order full spectrum (see manual The Analyzer mode / Order full Spectrum)

Version 2.59

July 6, 2017

  • Export of records from data cell to Recorder (see manual The Analyzer Mode/Next Meas functions/Export to Records)
  • Export of records from data cell to VA4_DISC (see manual The Analyzer Mode/Next Meas functions/Export to VA4_DISC)
  • "Remove trial mass" question after trial run (see manual The Balancer/Single plane balancing/RUN 2 - the TRIAL MASS screen)
  • Different number of blades fot each plane (see manual The Balancer/Balancer Settings/Basic Settings)
  • Balancing mass splitting (see manual The Balancer/Single plane balancing/RUN 2 - the RESULT screen)
  • Change of blades (see manual The Balancer/Single plane balancing/RUN 2 - the RESULT screen)
  • Various correction mass radius for each plane (see manual The Balancer/Balancer Settings/Rotor Settings)
  • Temporary records deleting (see manual The Recorder/Temporary records)

Version 2.58

May 16, 2017

  • Time synchro averaging for spectra (see manual The Analyzer Mode/New Meas creation/New Advanced/Averaging)
  • Ampl Tacho (see manual Global Properties/Trigger Settings/Use Ampl Tacho)
  • You can turn on/off orders in filtered orbit (see manual Analyzer/Filtered Orbit Measurement)

Version 2.57

March 23, 2017

  • Order spectrum (Analyzer/Order spectrum)
  • FFT output normalization - power spectrum, power spectral density, ... (Analyzer/Graph Properties/FFT Output)
  • PAS (=Phase Assigned Spectrum) as FRF result (Analyzer/New Mead Creation/New Advanced)
  • "Manual Entry" parameter in DC measurement (Analyzer/DC measurement)
  • A4410 installer

Version 2.56

January 6, 2017

  • Filtered orbit measurement (Analyzer/Filtered Orbit Measurement)
  • Ultrasound measurement (Analyzer/Ultrasound)
  • Circular view for time waveform (Analyzer/Graph Properties/View (time waveform)

Version 2.55

December 6, 2016

  • Export to wav Settings (Recorder/Editing of Record)
  • Min speed (Sensors properies/Tacho)

Version 2.54

November 4, 2016

  • Minor fixes

Version 2.53

October 26, 2016

  • Ultrasound Module
  • Route sensors checking (menu Global/Global Settings/Check Route Sensors)
  • Cursor on spectrograph
  • Tacho marks in orbit graph

Version 2.52

September 22, 2016

  • New notes format
  • Settling Prolongation (Sensors/Settling Prolongation)
  • Balancer: negative value of trial mass enabled (removing mass)
  • Bumptest: integration in spectrum
  • Route creation in instrument

Version 2.51

June 20, 2016

  • Averaging types for static values (linear, maximum, minimum, median)
  • Reference spectrum drawed bellow signal

Version 2.50

June 3, 2016

  • Faster saving data in route

Version 2.49

April 26, 2016

  • New appearance of FASIT
  • FASIT as meas type

Version 2.48

April 5, 2016

  • Variable Speed Detection
  • True and Scaled detect types

Version 2.47

February 11, 2016

  • Appearance dialog (Global/Appearance)

Version 2.46

September 29, 2015

  • New skin

Version 2.45

August 25, 2015

  • Manualy entered speed valid for whole route

Version 2.44

August 20, 2015

  • Minor fixes

Version 2.43

August 14, 2015

  • Initialization delay shortened

Version 2.42

May 26, 2015

  • Minor fixes

Version 2.39

May 16, 2015

  • New module: ADS

Version 2.41

May 14, 2015

  • Global/Global Settings/Record Analysis Start
  • Imperial unit in basic meas

Version 2.40

May 11, 2015

  • Minor fixes

Version 2.38

March 11, 2015

  • Minor fixes

Version 2.37

January 21, 2015

  • Minor fixes

Version 2.36

January 13, 2015

  • New data type: record
  • Export of all meases in a set to csv

Version 2.35

December 12, 2014

  • Number of used ac channels in point list
  • Channel number in meas list

Version 2.34

October 21, 2014

  • Export of runup trends

Version 2.33

September 19, 2014

  • Up to 8388608 samples is time waveform
  • Up to 3276800 lines in spektrum

Version 2.32

September 18, 2014

  • New coherence vizualization in fresp graph
  • New runup mode - time or revolution
  • Export to uff - all meases in history

Version 2.29

July 11, 2014

  • Virtual unit: up to 4 SABs possible to connect to one PC

Version 2.27

April 24, 2014

  • Selectable runup trend time axe - real time, relative (Global/Runup/Trend Time Axe)
  • Parameter "Trend Length" from "Global/Global Settings" removed to "Global/Runup"
  • Integration enabled in octave spectrum
  • Selectable y-axe in octave spectrum (linear, logaritmic, decibel)
  • Total mass in balancer (Balancer/Total Mass)
  • Parameter fmin is possible to set to any value greater than one even if integration used
  • Ord cursor in spec graph (frequency / speed frequency)
  • Voltage units allowed for g-demod
  • New image in balancer: overhung rotor for 2 planes
  • Serial number in virtual unit's licence file name
  • Export of trend data into csv file
  • Headers in csv files

Version 2.25

March 3, 2014

  • New detect type of wideband: AVG
  • Help in instrument (Global/Help)

Version 2.24

January 29, 2014

  • Runup trend divided into parts with selectable length (Global/Runup)

Version 2.22

October 11, 2013

  • "Enter Speed" item for set: you can enter the speed before measurement
  • Tacho sensor: pulses per rotation as floating point number
  • "Stop if ICP Error" in global settings
  • "Route START Button" in global settings: "start next" enables immediate start of measuring on next point
  • "Graph Lines" in spectrum graph properties (Graph Properties): drawing spectrum methods (continuous / discrete)
  • Fresp: amplitudes view ("Graph Properties/Fresp View")
  • Clock on screen
  • New date format - mm/dd/yyyy + time displayed with a.m./p.m.
  • Project list: time of last modification displayed on status bar
  • Runup trend: x-axe notes in format hh:mm:ss
  • Amplitudes ratio in phase shift
  • Polar graph in phase shift
  • Screenshots (Global/Screenshot)

Version 2.21

September 9, 2013

  • Trends during measurement
  • New data type: phase shift
  • New type of trigger: manual sequential (same as manual but waits between averages)
  • Phase in spectrum
  • Dynamic factor in Balancer
  • Recorder cursor in absolute time
  • Envelope changed to Demod

Version 2.20

June 7, 2013

  • Button "Save" for settings dialogs
  • Integration in orbit
  • Envelope measurements: ENV fmin minimal value decreased to 5Hz (instead of 100Hz)

Version 2.19

May 27, 2013

  • New module: Bump Test
  • Spectrum: time signal view, editing of parameters of spec windows ("Graph Properties/Spec View")
  • RMS and 0P values in time signal graph
  • Total value in spec graph
  • Stethoscope: setupable playback speed
  • Speed period view in time signal, orbit, ACMT and cepstrum (Graph Properties/Speed Period...)
  • Bearing faults view in time signal, ACMT and cepstrum (Graph Properties/FTF Period...)
  • Synch Table in spectrum (Graph Properties/Synch Table)

Version 2.18

March 25, 2013

  • Zoom spectrum

Version 2.17

January 15, 2013

  • Periodic cursor in ACMT
  • Setupable edge for external trigger ("Global/Trigger Settings/External Trig Edge")
  • Clear Last Data in set (point)

Version 2.16

December 3, 2012

  • Longer time waveform (up to 1M samples)
  • Free memory indicator during record acquisition

Version 2.15

November 23, 2012

  • New data type: cepstrum
  • New detect types of wideband: Crest and Kurtosis
  • Sound playback during the record analysis
  • Data export to uff ("Meas/Save to uff")
  • Data export to wav ("Meas/Save to wav")
  • Data export to csv ("Meas/Save to csv")
  • Saving instrument settings as profile ("Global/Profiles")
  • Tacho sensor settings replaced from "Global/Trigger Settings" to "Sensors/Tacho"
  • Route: "Measurement is not completed" notification
  • Bearing and ISO 10816 settings for each channel ("Sensors/AC1 - AC4")
  • Menu "Sensors/All Bearings": same bearing for all channels
  • Menu "Sensors/All ISO": same ISO for all channels
  • Export analyzer project to runup ("Project/Export to runup")
  • Export runup project to analyzer ("Project/Export to analyzer")
  • Button "Find": finds item in list
  • User defineable graphs colors ("Global/Global Settings/Background Color - Create")
  • Balancer: remove balancing masses ("Balancer/Basic Settings/Balancing Masses")

Version 2.14

June 18, 2012

  • Evaluation of ISO 10816 divided to A, B, C, D
  • Continuous record preview
  • Remote desktop control
  • New data type: octave analysis
  • New data type: sound level
  • New data type: equivalent sound level
  • New module: octave analysis
  • Trigger settings: new item Pulses per rotation

Version 2.13

March 26, 2012

  • Enter value of cursor position by number possible ("Graph Properties/Cursor Position")
  • Orda and aps view in RMS, 0P, PP ("Graph Properties/Detect Type")
  • ICP channels powered permanently, shorter measurement initialization
  • Balancer: balancing vector in balancing protocol
  • Peak hold averaging
  • Record preview during analysis
  • FASIT: ISO 10816
  • Graph wideband: ISO 10816 settings and limits displayed if used
  • Envelope measurements: ENV fmax minimal value decreased to 200Hz (instead of 1600Hz)
  • Statistics of static trends ("Graph Properties/Statistics Table")

Version 2.12

February 6, 2012

  • Speed control replaced by Trigger control
  • Balancer: new settings dialogs
  • Balancer: recomended trial calculation
  • FASIT: new settings dialog
  • Lubri: new settings dialog
  • FASIT: harmonics displayed as triangles bellow axe

Version 2.11

January 5, 2012

  • Virtual unit

Version 2.09

November 28, 2011

  • Centerline values A,B,X,Y displayed together
  • DC gap channel in ac channel settings + orbit with gaps ("Sensors/DC gap channel")

Version 2.08

November 9, 2011

  • Spec cascade: first in front or last in front view ("Graph Properties/Order Z")
  • New mode: Lubri
  • Selectable record analysis speed: fast or real time ("Global Settings/Record analysis speed")

Version 2.07

September 30, 2011

  • New mode: FASIT
  • Balancer: advisor removed
  • Balancer: keep trial in two planes possible

Version 2.06

August 10, 2011

  • Time cursor in orbit
  • VA4_DISC check during startup
  • Export of records to WAV ("Project/Export to WAV")
  • Selectable range of phase -180°,180° or 0°,360° ("Global Settings/Phase range")
  • Bearing database + bearing faults view in spec ("Global/Bearing Settings") + ("Graph Properties/Bearing Faults")

Version 2.05

June 28, 2011

  • New mode: stethoscope

Version 2.03

May 16, 2011

  • Temporary change settings of sensors in records ("Sensors")

Version 2.02

April 22, 2011

  • Graphs with axes and grids
  • Graphs alignment ("Global Settings/Align Graphs")
  • New cursor types: harmonic, periodic, delta, sideband ("Graph Properties/Cursor")
  • Orda trends
  • Export of records ("Project/Export")
  • Text notices ("Project/Notices")
  • ISO 10816 alarms ("Global/ISO Machine Settings")
  • Spec peak list ("Graph Properties/Peak List")
  • Spec view in RMS, 0P, PP ("Graph Properties/Detect Type")
  • Fresp: time signal view, editing of parameters of spec windows ("Graph Properties/Fresp View")
  • Cursor movement linear or maxs ("Global Settings/Cursor Type")
  • Background colors of graphs ("Global Settings/Background Color")

Version 2.01

February 23, 2011

  • First release